A short timeless reading on your next vacation—what kind of environment might you be in?Listen to your BiWeekly and Bi-Monthly Tarotscopes for more possible details. Timestamps below for this Pick A Card.

If you're looking for your tarotscope, listen to the previous episode or visit my Patreon page.

A reminder that Patrons enjoy EXCLUSIVE EXTENDED weekly tarotscopes. Bi-weeklies now alternate with short timeless Pick-A-Cards episodes and hopefully, more e-Books for Travelers and other good stuff :-D
For weekly tarotscopes and more in-depth bi-monthly tarotscopes, check out my Patreon. Subscriptions start from just $4 a month and include secret bonuses like ZOOM CALLS (we've had two this year and fourin 2021), FREE tarot reads, and other fun and useful content.

Come back to this Pick-A-Card in a month or so if you feel called to, and make another choice :-D


Option 1 01:23

Option 2 05:46

Option 3 09:52


Pickacard #tarot #general #lookahead #mindbodysoul #leisure #lifestyle #spirituality #vacation #divination #tarotreading #holiday #environment #break #timeout

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