As far as we know the Apostle Paul never visited the church in Colossae. By the time of Paul the city was no longer a strategic hub. However, God still had big plans for Colossae. During his time as a prisoner in Rome Paul learns of the church there from the guy who likely planted it—Epaphras—and writes a letter to them. In it he encourages them to look for fullness not in the false teachings, philosophies, or rituals that appeared to be prevalent among them but in Jesus Christ. Verses 1:15-20 contain one of the best and most suscient theologies of Jesus Christ ever written. Paul emphasizes Jesus’s preeminence and full deity throughout the letter, encouraging the Colossians to put off their old self with his sinful deeds and put on the new self, walking with Christ by faith (just as they received him). Jesus is supreme and sufficient, so cling to him and pursue him in all things.