Saturday After Ash Wednesday (Feb. 20)

Narrated by Jenny Thompson

To Heal Our Brokenness

I and the Father are one. John 10:30

There was no conflict between Jesus and his heavenly Father. Their very nature was identical. Jesus’ mission meshed perfectly with the Father’s purpose: to rescue lost sheep, to heal our broken lives, to preserve us for eternity.

Our natural nature does conflict with God’s. To be human is to be sinful, selfish, self-centered, me-first. The cross proclaims God’s nature—to love, to forgive, to heal, to give new life to dying sinners such as ourselves.

Jesus’ wounds apply healing power to our natural nature, changing us from the inside out. At the cross, we see what we should be, and we become what we can be. It’s a lifelong, blessed process of being healed and made whole.

REFLECT: Consider the subtle ways your nature is in conflict with your Lord’s.

PRAY: Heal my soul, Lord; create in me a new heart. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.