Thursday, The Third Week Of Lent (Mar. 11)

Narrated by Rod White

The Power of Grace

Jesus said to [Peter], “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Matthew 26:52

Jesus rejected the kind of power the world worships: think Super Bowl, huge corporations, national politics, international arms races. His is the power of forgiving love, of grace—the power to change hearts and lives and the future of the human race.

By his wounds we are healed! Not by weapons of war or by some magic wand but by his wounds. He accepted rejection and ridicule, suffering and death. He took our place under God's judgment, absorbing its punishment so that death would not be the end of our story.
In the face of death, we are completely powerless. But the power of the cross, the power of forgiving grace, sets us free to live now and forever in hope and joy.

REFLECT: How does knowing that the power of God is greater than all other powers help you from day to day?

PRAY: Enable me, gracious Lord, to live today in the reality of your life-changing love. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.