Thursday, The Second Week of Lent (Mar. 4)

Narrated by Mary Stigge

His Priority Is You

[Jesus] prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

The third time Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, it was a prayer of commitment: “If this cannot pass... your will be done.” Jesus’ main concern was never “what's best for me” but always what’s best for his Father and for the people he was sent to rescue from sin and death. His priority was, and still is, you, as well as all the other sinners that could only be healed by his wounds.

When you confront a conflict between your will and God’s, let your priority be set by his prayer: “Thy will be done.” Be sure that Jesus will always help you make God's will your number one priority.

REFLECT: How can you show others that God’s will is your priority?

PRAY: Lord Jesus, as you did the Father’s will for me, enable me to know and do his will. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.