Second Sunday of Lent (Feb. 28)

Narrated by Jodi Strohl

Commandment with Promise

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

This is the only commandment with an explicit promise. All of them have implied benefits: Living within the will of God makes life much more enjoyable, and even longer! When our sin causes us to rebel against God’s will, we forfeit the promised blessing.

How blessed we are that Christ came to our rescue! He fulfilled all the Father's will, even offering his own body and blood for our salvation. How blessed we are when we are healed by his wounds and follow God's loving commandment: Honor the authorities God has given us for our welfare and respect those whom God has given us to love and care for. As promised, the more we do that, the better life is.

REFLECT: What can you do to honor those in authority over you?

PRAY: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking away my sin. Renew in me the desire to live in your love. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.