Maundy Thursday (Apr. 1)

A Covenant Sealed by His Blood

Narrated by Liz Hagestad

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28

With his gathered disciples at the Last Supper, Jesus initiated the new covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34. It was to be a covenant of grace in which God would “remember their sin no more.” With the blood of his wounds, Jesus sealed and confirmed this eternal covenant for us and for all believers.

Living under this covenant promise, we can be sure that the cancer of our sin has been healed. Yes, we will die, but only for a short time. On the day of resurrection, God will not remember our sin, but he will remember us as those who have been healed by Jesus’ wounds. Live now in hopeful anticipation of your final victory in Christ.

REFLECT: Recall all that Christ has done for you.

PRAY: Erase my fear of death, Lord Jesus, and replace it with faith in your healing wounds. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.