Welcome to Season 4 of the WatchPitch Podcast where we continue with our particular focus on exits... for start-ups, entrepreneurs and business owners...an exit strategy that could be the result of a Merger, an Acquisition or the outright sale of your business. Our program today features a serial entrepreneur who by his own admission has indeed, had a very successful exit alongside several others that never made it off the launch pad. What is the secret sauce for when to begin thinking about the exit? Well, listen up because it is sooner than you think and to do it well takes a lot of grit...and balance. The arc of the exit just isn’t being talked about enough and that’s why we are here.

Value. That has to be front row and center for any exit. For the investor and for the business with their customers and clients. Determining value for the return for an investor or for the Founder for that matter can be very speculative at an early stage. So count on your track record, your financial returns and the market for your product and service as driving any exit strategy in the future... We are thrilled you watched and/or listened to this WatchPitch Episode as we continue to explore the world of exits, mergers and acquisitons for business Founders and Owners ! Thank you for listening and/or watching the WatchPitch channel and podcast.