Dave Tompkins is the Director of Facilities for Trinity SF. Under Trinity SF’s wings are commercial divisions, office spaces, and storefront retail, including some of the most high-end retailers in the city of Union Square. Their specialty, however, is in multifamily real estate, working with their team to develop, own, and operate multifamily buildings throughout San Francisco. Dave has worked in facility management for the last 20 years, with a driven focus towards project and maintenance management.

In this episode…

If you were to stand atop a high rise building in San Francisco, you would notice a few things. You would realize how organized the streets are from afar, the vast number of residential areas strategically grouped to provide ease of access to their residents, and the vendors that rely on the business they gain from the residents in the city—a balanced ecosystem. Behind the scenes making sure the ecosystem continues to run are facility and project managers like Dave Tompkins, Director of Facilities at Trinity SF.

Join us as we take a more in-depth look at what it takes to manage a variety of commercial and residential facilities in the heart of San Francisco with host Greg Owens and Dave Tompkins, Director of Facilities at Trinity SF. Dave discusses what steps Trinity has taken to ensure their residents' safety, and what it means to be a building manager in the face of the current pandemic. He also takes a moment to talk about his path to facility management and what others can do to enter the industry.