Jonathan Johnson is the Director of Facilities and Security at Pandora's Oakland Headquarters and the Founder of Hyperspace, a company dedicated to saving millions of dollars in real estate or workplace management. He has worked in facility management for the past 13 years and provides seamless service for his occupants and clients. Jonathan has also worked with his team at Pandora and countless others to help them shift their mindsets to assisting customers in this new normal.

In this episode…

How do you create an occupant-friendly building? Sure, you can use bright colors, beanbags, or communal gathering areas—or you can start with those who manage the building. 

With a growing need for a blend of tech, building knowledge, and emotional intelligence, the facility management industry continues to grow within the US. Jonathan Johnson, Director of Facilities and Security at Pandora, can attest to the growing demand in his field. From his knowledge of how an HVAC system works to maintenance schedules, he describes his role as a generalist—and a skilled one, at that. 

In this week's episode of Watching Paint Dry, Greg Owens is joined by Jonathan Johnson, Director of Facilities and Security at Pandora. They discuss the difference between facility management in the US vs. different parts of the world. Jonathan highlights how his military training has helped him to be successful in his career. He also shares his idea for improving the process of finding and vetting contractors for facility management tasks.