Make a Move and the Bunny Gets It: Simon West's Con Air  

This week Mr. Chavez & I celebrate bad cinema with a look at the 1997 Simon West Action/Comedy/Prison/B-Movie Character Actor Extravaganza Con Air. Based on a real-life judicial system prison transport program, Con Air is an embarassing and exaggerated look at 1990s Hollywood Action Cinema. Featuring a slew of character actors (M.C. Gainey - Swamp Thing, Danny Trejo - Johnny 23, Mykelti Williamson - Baby-O), a future star (Dave Chappelle - Pinball Parker), and respected stars slumming: (Ving Rhames - Diamond Dog, John Cusack - U.S. Marshall Vince Larkin, Steve Buscemi - Garland The Marietta Mangler Greene, John Malkovich - Cyrus the Virus, and - rounding it all out with a ridiculous mullet and equally embarassing Alabama accent, Nicolas Cage - Cameron Poe). An incredible production of 90s excess, pyrotechnics, and ridiculousness - Con Air is the definition of a film that is so bad in so many ways that it becomes endearing. This is a fun conversation where we defend our low-brow enjoyment of pointless and simplistic entertainment. Let us know what you think. As always we can be reached at [email protected] - Many Thanks. 

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