Unfinished Business: James Cameron's Aliens 

This week Ibrahim & I return to LV-426. 57 years later - but feeling more like seven - James Cameron takes over the reins for the masterpiece created by Sir Ridley Scott. 1979's Alien would change the Sci-Fi genre. An incredibly influential work of cinema, the film would influence any number of directors, with James Cameron springboarding off of the world created by Scott and moving the genre from Horror/Sci-Fi to Military/Sci-Fi. Analogous to the Vietnam War, Cameron's film is a brutal and unrelenting rollercoaster ride that -although not surpassing the original film - is nonetheless an incredible piece of practical filmmaking, utilizing miniature work, puppetry, animatronics, forced perspective, and rear projection. Thirty-eight years later Aliens continues to captivate, compel, frighten, and entertain. Mr. Chavez and I are thrilled to continue diving into this great Science Fiction series. Tell us what you think - We can be reached at [email protected]

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