A Slice of Death - Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

On this week's episode of WatchThis W/RickRamos, Ibrahim & I continue our celebration of the Halloween season with a continuing exploration of Horror Cinema. This week we look at a truly nerve-wracking, disturbing, and horrific examination of serial killers, John McNaughton's Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (shot in 1986 and released in 1989). With a career-making performance from Michael Rooker and an incredible supporting cast, the brutality and tension of McNaughton's debut film has remained with cult audiences for over 30 years. This week, Ibrahim & I are proud to sit down and discuss of such great power and importance. If you haven't seen it, you will be changed. Give it a viewing, but be warned - it is not an easy film nor is it a forgiving one.

Questions, Comments, Complaints, & Suggestions can be directed to [email protected]. Our Continued Thanks.