Knight, Priest, King: Remembering the Many Faces of Max Von Sydow (4/10/29 - 03/08/20)

On this week's episode of WatchThis W/RickRamos, Ibrahim & I sit down to remember the great Swedish actor, Max Von Sydow. A brilliant actor who starred in some of the most iconic films of our time, Von Sydow passed away last March a few short weeks away from his 91st birthday. This week we discuss the great actor's  career and the various factors that made him unforgettable over a period of seven decades and over 150 films. From his breakthrough role in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal thru his roles as both Jesus (The Greatest Story Ever Told) and The Devil (Needful Things), Father Merrin (The Exorcist), and numerous supporting roles for directors from Steven Spielberg (MInority Report) and David Lynch (Dune) to Woody Allen (Hannah & Her Sisters) and Martin Scorsese (Shutter Island), Von Sydow proved an actor of incredible range, authority, and sensitivity.

It was a pleasure to remember and discuss this great actor. Take a listen and let us know what you think. Questions, Comments, Complaints, & Suggestions can be directed to [email protected]. Many Thanks!