The Falsity of Truth - Orson Welle's Citizen Kane and Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon

On this week's episode of WatchThis W/RickRamos, Ibrahim & I sit down to discuss the paradox of truth focusing on two of the most important films in the history of cinema, Orson Welle's 1941 RKO Classic Citizen Kane and Akira Kurosawa's 1950 Venice Film Festival Golden Bear Winner Rashomon. Each film examines the uncertainty of perception, memory, and truth.

Kane has often been heralded as the greatest film of all time and Rashomon is credited with recognizing the viability of Japanese Cinema (and this critic would argue, World Cinema in general). These are two incredibly important films in the history of filmmaking. Ibrahim & I are excited to sit down for this discussion. We hope you enjoy listening to it as we enjoyed preparing and recording it. Thanks for the continued Love & Support. We're still enjoying the hell out of this show.

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