High Art, Low Art, & The Need To Get It On Screen:

Dolemite Is My Name & Ed Wood

Twenty-Five Years in the making. On this week's episode of WatchThis W/RickRamos, Ibrahim & I sit down to discuss the struggles of High Art, Low Art, and Recognizing the Difference between the Two. Looking at two great film biopics chronicling the lives and work of artists of questionable talent, this week we discuss the new Netflix biopic of 70s Blaxploitation Legend Rudy Ray Moore - portrayed in a great return to form performance by Eddie Murphy, Dolemite Is My Name (directed by Hustle & Flow's Craig Brewer) and Tim Burton's 1994 look at the director widely credited as "The Worst of All Time," Ed Wood starring Johnny Depp in the title role. Ibrahim & I go deeper than some may expect in profiling these two immensely entertaining films, however we both agree that both films present interesting questions regarding the definition of Art. 

Maybe we're on point, maybe we're missing it . . . either way we hope you enjoy the conversation. 

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