Lies Agreed Upon - David Milch's DEADWOOD

This is an episode that we have talked about and prepped for years. On this episode of WatchThis W/RickRamos, Ibrahim & I sit down to discuss - arguably - the greatest show ever produced for television, David Milch's Western Masterpiece Deadwood. Portraying the birth of the town of Deadwood, South Dakota from it's creation through it's evolution from lawlessness into the formation of government, we're covering a lot of ground on this episode. Ranging from the themes (Religion, Government, Racism, Greed, Nobility, etc.) thru the acting, writing, fluidity and beauty of the language, David Milch has created a world that is alive and compelling in every aspect of what we've come to expect from long-form storytelling. It's a magnificent show that we are thrilled to be talking about. We talk about every aspect of the series without concern for spoilers. If you are listening to this podcast we hope that you have finished the series. We will continue with a second episode picking up where this one leaves off and including the Deadwood Movie that premiered on HBO on Friday, May 31st. Take a listen. We think you'll enjoy what we have to say.