Dr. June warns Christians about the BEAST plans to persecute the church in the very near future. They are labeling us as domestic terrorists, extremists and if you do not believe in the "V" agenda, then you are an anti-vaccinaton extremists. You will learn on this broadcast that many governmental officials are talking of legislation to make us criminals. They're already doing this in Is##al and other countries. This new world order wants to rid Christians out of their perfect Utopia.

Dr. June has written ten books pertaining to the end of time. Mark of the Beast, Clarion Call to UNITY in the Bride of Christ, Organic Christianity, Shut the Gates, etc. Her four newest books pertain to what is happening right now! Released in Spring 2020, these four books, The American Quad, deal with apostasy, judgment, idols, and our role in all this. She has also written one children's book called Snookums. To purchase Dr. June's books go to www.gotreehouse.org. To donate go to https://wearethebride.us/donate, https://tithe.ly/give?c=2038978, or you can text giving at We Are The Bride Ministries: (833) 801-7098 Thank you for your support!