Dr. June talks about how we can make an idol out of time. We can choose to stay in control of our time versus giving God his portion. We may choose to not obey God because it demands too much of our time. We must choose to relinquish our will to his.

Idol #17 – We choose to not give God the time He desires daily. We choose to satisfy ourselves with our own agendas and temporary pleasures. God forgive us of this.

Ways that we neglect God in Time:

Not preparing the Bride to be SOBER of the TIME we are in and preparing her!

Shutting down our services because we want to control time. We do not give the Holy Ghost TIME to do what HE wants to do.

Not giving God the first-fruits of our day in prayer. We are TOO BUSY to pray.

Squandering our time in life and not fulfilling our mission IN HIS WILL.

Not asking God what HE WANTS US TO DO with our time. We want to manage it ourselves.


 — feeling repentful at We Are The Bride.

This study is given in 2018 and still valid today!