Dr. June talks about how the enemy uses the fear of man's faces, opinions and society to hold us back from our ultimate destiny. We must repent of this.


Idol #18 – We repent for our country passing laws encouraging this lifestyle. We partnered with homosexuality & perverseness. We bring people who are practicing in this lifestyle on the platform to preach, sing, and do ministry in spite of their sexual perversion. We do not fear God anymore and we allow our waters to be polluted. We change our views on Perversion when our children choose this lifestyle over your word. We have made this an idol based upon public pressure versus setting people free by waving the banner of TRUTH. We repent for our ministers cheating on their spouses due to Perversion then getting back into the pulpit without receiving time to be healed and restored. We have lost our respect for others due to the own lust for power. Forgive us for touching the unclean thing then having no remorse about it. Cleanse your Bride Lord. Forgive us for not preaching truth from our pulpits due to public pressure.

 — feeling repentful at We Are The Bride.

This study is given in 2018 and still valid today!