Dr. June talks about how this organization is partnering with Satan himself. This is Lucifer's kingdom. This is the lust for power and greed by joining this organization. We repent for ministers getting involved in this. We repent for joining secret societies.

Idol #12 – I think it’s only appropriate that we are repenting of this idol on the twelfth day because 12 is the number of government and this symbolism is all over our dollar bill (thus we renounce the god of mammon) and all over Washington D.C. We renounce secret societies (Bible says nothing is done in secret) and oaths/pledges we make to CONFORM to an organization. We renounce and repent for our ministers and church leaders JOINING THIS ORGANIZATION and bringing their principles and leadership into the church. We RENOUNCE this practice. We repent for bringing Lucifinerism in our churches through the Masons & Freemasons. We renounce the partnerships we make which include this group/organization. We ask you Lord to forgive us for bringing ANY other god or idol in our sanctuaries, lives, families, communities, etc. Although they may do good deed such as St. Jude’s Hospital (Shriners)….the spirit it is partnered with is Satanic to the core and we renounce any partnership with this spirit in Jesus’ name! Good deeds do not get us to Heaven. Social Justice will not get us to Heaven. Helping the “Common Good” as the Pope likes to point out with the Ecumenical Movement….will not get us to Heaven. The ONLY allegiance God wants us to make is HIM for He is jealous over us! He will have NO OTHER GODS BEFORE HIM. HE IS HOLY. #40daysrepent