How do you start a “green” company? How do you make it scale? How do you make sure it’s financially and environmentally sustainable? These are some of the questions we covered on WNWN’s first live show! Held in Taipei on August 31st, we talked with Godfrey Ngai, CFO of Xing Mobility - an electric vehicle battery company going after two thirds of the worlds vehicles. Melody Hsu - co-founder of ViaSweat - an active-wear brand trying to use more sustainable textile made from recycled materials. And Hamoun Karami - founder of Lidbot, a startup that wants to transform the way we think about trash collection.

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EPISODE CREDIT | Emily Y. Wu (@emilyywu), producer, editor | Nate Maynard (@N8May), producer, host | Chris Lo, theme song | Thomas Lee, brand design | a Ghost Island Media production (@ghostislandme) |

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