Over the summer Congress was surprisingly productive, churning out landmark legislation to address climate change, bolster U.S. chip production, strengthen competition with China, increase corporate taxes, and bring down inflation. And the president used his executive authority to eliminate $10,000 in student debt for millions of families. 

In this episode of WashingtonWise, Mike Townsend looks at these major policy developments from the perspective of investors and considers the impact they could have on the economy, corporations, and consumers.

He also discusses where Congress will focus energy in the weeks prior to the mid-terms, starting with the one thing that must get done—approving funding to keep the government running prior to the September 30 deadline. And he checks in on the Fed’s progress in the inflation fight and what to expect in terms of rate hikes for the rest of 2022. 

WashingtonWise is an original podcast for investors from Charles Schwab. For more on the series, visit Schwab.com/WashingtonWise.

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