With Russia massing troops along Ukraine’s border and China escalating its saber-rattling against Taiwan, foreign policy challenges have moved to the front burner, forcing the United States and the European Union to consider sanctions and other steps to try to tamp down tensions. Jeff Kleintop, Schwab’s chief global investment strategist, joins host Mike Townsend on the podcast to discuss the options the U.S. and EU are considering, how long tough responses could be in place, and whether they will be enough to get Russia and China to back down. They also explore the potential impact on the markets and economy—and whether investors should be concerned.

Mike also examines how the opportunity to make a historic nomination to the Supreme Court gives the Biden administration a chance to reset the narrative after a rough couple of months. He also previews this week’s confirmation hearing for three nominees to join the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, discusses the administration’s plan for developing a government-wide strategy for digital assets, and reviews new legislation that would help states combat financial scams targeting senior investors.

WashingtonWise is an original podcast for investors from Charles Schwab. For more on the series, visit Schwab.com/WashingtonWise.

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