When it comes to transformational technology, artificial intelligence is expected to rival the internet in its impact. For many investors, there is a fear of missing out—but there are also challenges sorting through all the companies making claims about their AI capabilities. Randy Frederick, managing director for trading and derivatives at the Schwab Center for Financial Research, joins host Mike Townsend to discuss the disruptive nature of AI, where the technology is headed, and what investors need to look for in companies touting their AI credentials. They also look at the risks involved in AI investing and whether lessons learned from the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s can be applied to the AI buzz today.

Mike also provides updates on the Fed's latest interest rate hike and the likelihood of one more hike before year end. And he lays out the serious time crunch Congress is facing to pass the 12 appropriations bills that fund every federal agency and program for the next fiscal year before the October 1 government shutdown deadline. He also reports on how the hoped-for bipartisanship on regulating cryptocurrency is fading on Capitol Hill.

WashingtonWise is an original podcast for investors from Charles Schwab. For more on the series, visit Schwab.com/WashingtonWise.

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