Wayne Sutton (@waynesutton) is a serial entrepreneurCo-founder of Change catalyst . Change Catalyst is dedicated to exploring innovative solutions to diversity and inclusion in tech through the Tech Inclusion Conference, consulting and workshops. Wayne’s experience includes years of establishing partnerships with large brands to early stage startups. As a leading voice in diversity and inclusion in tech, Wayne shares his thoughts on solutions and culture in various media outlets where he has been featured in TechCrunch, USA Today, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to mentoring and advising early stage startups, Wayne’s life goal is to educate entrepreneurs who are passionate about using technology to change the world.

In this episode we discussed:

The critical pain points tech companies are experiencing when it comes to diverse hiring. Which tech companies are blazing trails in diversity, setting the standard for the rest of the industry. How recent grads can cope with issues related to workplace discrimination and harassment. How policy can help impact trends in diverse hiring in tech.


Change Catalyst

Diversity in High Tech Report by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2016)

Mindset by Carol Dweck





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