In this part 2B episode of this 3 part series we will continue to look at the topic of lying and deception.  In part 1 we reviewed examples from God's word where acts of lying and deception were either directed by God or commended by God.  One notable example was the act of lying and deception by Rahab the harlot was credited to her as righteousness similar to Abraham's faith.  Today, we will look further into the principles of what God defines as lying which is unrighteous.  All that matters is what God defines of what will be counted as righteousness or unrighteousness.  In this episode we review passages in the New Testament which uses the noun of the word "lying" to see how God defines and uses this word in the bible.  The word is Strong's Concordance # 5579 (Pseustes) and #5583 (Pseudos).  Find out who God says are the liars and what is considered a lie.   Note OT passages will be covered in Part 2C.

Passages Covered:  John 8:29-45;  Ephesians 4:13-25,  5:14-17;  James 1:19-22;  2 Thessalonians 2:9-11;  1 John ch1,  2:3-6,  26-29;  3:3-15:  4:16-21,  5:1-3,  10-13,  18-20;  Revelation 14:1-5,  19:6-8;  22:10-16.