In this episode we will look at why Paul's writings are so hard to understand.  As it turns out, it isn't just Paul's writings.  It is the message of truth from God.  People have been misunderstanding God's message for thousands of years.  Peter refers to this fact in 2 Peter ch3.  Where he warns that the untaught and unstable distort not only Paul's writings, but they do this will all of scripture.  For instance, if you look at the book of Romans, from which much of church doctrine comes from; most people have a faulty and backwards understanding with the application and use of the Romans road.  Many people identify with the perceived struggles of Paul in the present with the two natures of why do I continue to do the things that I hate.  Well if they only heard the entire story and realized that earlier in the chapter God teaches that if you still have two natures or are like the women who is married to Christ and still of the old nature then you will be accused of being an adulteress.  But no one is receiving that teaching.  Or about the fact of Paul's use of referring to when he WAS a slave of sin in the past.  But many translations don't always get the tense correctly, because they are translating the way they believe.  In this episode we will look at foundational teachings and doctrines in the book of Romans, highlighting them in the order of appearance and using God's word as he defines these items.  

Passages Covered:  Mathew 13:10-15;  Romans ch 1-16;  2 Peter 3:14-17;  Philippians 3:1-3, 15-19;  1 Peter 1:2, 13-15,  2:20-25;  Galatians 3:1-3,  5:13-24;  James 1:26;  1 Corinthians 15:33-34