Make sure no cops listen to this episode, cause we talk about some illicit game emulation. We also perform some Fresh Prince jiu jitsu and ponder on which Sega game best encapsulates the culture of this decade. In other news: news! We discuss the departure of “Lucky” Palmer Luckey from Facebook; the announcement of Destiny 2; the not so great Inc. article, “It’s Official: Too Many Video Games Really Can Make You Stop Looking for Work and Move In With Your Parents”; and the bankruptcy of peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz. With that last news item, we reminisce about old controller tech as well as talk about our tolerances for horror and thrill-seeking. Games include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, and Super Mario Run. Got a question for the show? Join us on Discord at or email us at [email protected]!

Make sure no cops listen to this episode, cause we talk about some illicit game emulation.

We also perform some Fresh Prince jiu jitsu and ponder on which Sega game best encapsulates the culture of this decade.

In other news: news! We discuss the departure of “Lucky” Palmer Luckey from Facebook; the announcement of Destiny 2; the not so great Inc. article, “It’s Official: Too Many Video Games Really Can Make You Stop Looking for Work and Move In With Your Parents”; and the bankruptcy of peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz.

With that last news item, we reminisce about old controller tech as well as talk about our tolerances for horror and thrill-seeking.

Games include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, and Super Mario Run.

Got a question for the show? Join us on Discord at or email us at [email protected]!