If you're fed up with ridiculous, patriarchal dating rules but don't know what you'd do instead...so feel like you just need to put up with sucky dates for who knows how long...our guest Lily Womble has got your back.

This episode is about dating, of course, but it's really about building the most authentic relationships of your life — including the relationship with yourself.


Feeling like you're either too much or not enough How to ACTUALLY meet people The way dating apps are engineered and where they fit in your dating life's ecosystem How to find great dates in difficult situations (ie small towns, places with values or politics that don't align with yours, etc) and more!


Lily Womble is sparking a feminist revolution in the way we date and find love. She was one of the top matchmakers in the U.S., but after setting up hundreds of dates, Lily realized that the answer to finding love was much deeper than a setup, and that the way we are taught to date is still stuck in the patriarchal dark ages. She founded her company, Date Brazen, six years ago and has since helped hundreds of women create love lives that are epic, settle-proof, and joyful-as-hell with her intersectional feminist approach. She changes lives daily on TikTok, Top 4 Relationship Podcast- The Date Brazen Podcast , and sold-out coaching programs world-wide. Her debut nonfiction advice book, Thank You, More Please: A feminist guide to breaking dumb dating rules and finding love, comes out in June 2024 with Legacy Lit. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, Chris.



Order Thank You, More Please

Lily on TikTok

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Date Brazen

The Date Brazen Podcast




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