I know. Social media can be frustrating for me, too. And I can't count how many times I've heard my friends say they're going on a digital detox or post a #DeleteFacebook hashtag (especially after all the drama of this week in particular; I'm looking at you Cambridge Analytica).

But the thing is, going cold turkey DOESN'T REWRITE our bad habits.

If you're listening to the WANTcast, you're probably already pretty mindful IRL. You’re present in your conversations, you live for the now, and you’re all about savoring the moment.

But here’s the hard reality: social media, smartphones, and being in-somewhat-constant-contact are not the exception anymore, they’re the norm. Facebook or #DeleteFacebook, there will ALWAYS be some new platform for us to use and abuse.

Whether you’re looking to grow your business or are the average social media user catching up on cute baby/puppy pics and posting funny memes, the social media overwhelm factor is loud and proud and REAL. It’s not just that social media is a distraction – it’s that it makes us question how true our truths really are.

Today on the WANTcast, a few solid social media tips + strategies to follow (ha, no pun intended) so you can have your life and post it, too.

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