I'll be reflecting on the ups and downs of our journey so far, including the initial success and growth of our company. But I also have concerns about the market and AI trends. I'll be sharing my three conditions for deciding whether to continue with PodSqueeze, and expressing my unwavering passion for this project. Oh, and I'm thrilled to announce the release of our new video feature! Plus, I can't wait to tell you about my upcoming holiday plans. Connect with me on Twitter and if you're an entrepreneur looking for a supportive community, check out our select-based community. Let's dive in!


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The initial success and traction [00:01:32]

Discusses the excitement and rapid growth experienced after launching PodSqueeze, reaching milestones, and the initial momentum in the AI market.

The slowing down of growth and concerns about the market [00:02:47]

Addresses the decrease in growth rate, the decline in AI trend popularity, and the uncertainty about the future of PodSqueeze in a shrinking market.

The release of the new video feature and upcoming holiday [00:08:00]

Mentions the development and release of a video feature, the stress and excitement surrounding it, and the upcoming holiday plans.

Initial success and traction [00:10:01]

Tiago mentions the initial success and traction experienced after launching PodSqueeze.

Slowing down of growth [00:10:01]

Tiago discusses the slowing down of growth for PodSqueeze.

Concerns about market and AI trends [00:10:01]

Tiago expresses concerns about the market and AI trends and how they may impact PodSqueeze.

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