Whenever you're doing a launch for a product you typically have multiple ideas and plans. For us, we had ONE specific plan that involved something way more hands-on and a ton of extra effort (YouTube Live, promotion, etc). We decided to completely scrap 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♂️ that part of our launch plan to keep our sanity.

We spent some time talking about  👀SALES FUNNELS 👀 and how we're rethinking these for our own businesses. The subtle reframing to 🌉MARKETING BRIDGES 🌉should help us not get bogged down with negative thoughts about selling, as that even happens to us. Sales funnels/marketing bridges ARE essential to running efficient online businesses and they don't have to feel gross or sleazy.

👋 Our hope in sharing this series is that it a) makes YOU feel a little less alone in the worries or questions you have through all of this and b) it gives you some ideas or inspiration about how to make decisions in your own life and business that will help keep you afloat as we surf this tidal waves of uncertainty.