The second week of our 5-week content extravaganza has concluded! We worked on long-form videos for Teachery and learned a ton of lessons (and had to UN-LEARN some well-worn ideas and habits too).

There has been ONE clear friction point for us over the years when working together and that’s... Long-form videos. It’s some combination of our two strong creative personalities, along with having different visions for how a video should turn out, and the entire process has always been a bit bumpy for us. But, we really hoped to change that this last week!

Through many conversations, many experiments, and just trying to lead with curiosity we feel like we came out of the week WAYYYYY better than expected. Sure, we only finished 2 long-form videos, but our goal was 3, so we’re happy about that. 

Enjoy listening to us recap our experience and we hope it helps you re-think a current spot where you might be in your business. 

🔗 Links we mentioned:

AI Song tool: 

ScreenStudio (screen recording:

CapCut (modern video editor): 

YouTube Diary of our second week: 

Teachery’s YouTube channel:


⚙️ Give Teachery a try today for free! Looking to create online courses with a platform that lets you customize everything? Give our course software a 14-day free trial at

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