Here we go, folks! We’re back on the short-form video creation train and this week we’re sharing our plan of action for Teachery. We’ve been off social media for 2.5 years, so this is quite the journey!

If you missed last week’s episode, we’re embarking on a 5-week content extravaganza 😂 for our two businesses. This week is the official first week and we’re focusing solely on trying to create 10 pieces of 60-second video content to be shared on Teachery’s TikTok, YouTube, and IG account.

What does creating social content initially feel like? Who is doing what? What content keywords and strategies are we focusing on? All of that is tackled in this episode.

Important note: We are NOT posting this content just yet. We want to create a nice little backlog of content to have ready to post in a month-ish. We also want to get a feel for what the creation process is like and what formats/formulas of content work best for our skillsets. 

Next week, we’ll update you with how this week went and then we’ll move on to the next content bucket. 


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