Do you ever wonder exactly what someone is working on in their business? We do too! That’s what we recorded for this week’s episode, sharing all the stuff we’re currently juggling between Wandering Aimfully (our un-boring coaching program) and Teachery (our online course software).

This is one of those episodes we wished more people would record. What are all the things currently on the to-do list? How do we manage multiple projects? Who is working on what behind the scenes??

We break down everything we have going on with WAIM and Teachery in Q1 of 2023. We hope hearing some of the stuff we’re working on motivates and inspires you to work on something in your biz! If it does, make sure to send us an email and let us know you want more of these types of episodes. 😘

🔗 Get the full episode show notes and transcript at


Links mentioned in the episode:

Client Off-Ramp Starter Kit:

Our plan with Social Media:

HelloAudio (aff link) for private podcasting: