We want to be 100% transparent with you: The 20-hour rule is NOT something we came up with. We watched Josh Kaufman’s TEDx talk and realized this concept was very applicable to how we’ve learned or adapted to new things, especially one thing this year: Caroline’s flight anxiety.

🎥 Watch Josh Kaufman’s TEDx talk: https://youtu.be/5MgBikgcWnY

While the super-popular 10,000-hour rule has merit, we think the 20-hour rule makes a lot more sense and is a lot more realistic for the majority of us who just want to learn a new skill or educate ourselves in some way. But, it’s not just about doing something for 20 hours, it’s about deliberate, intentional practice. You may not become an “expert” in 20 hours (or 45 minutes per day for 30 days), but who actually needs to become an expert at anything these days? Becoming “good enough” at most things can get you REALLY far! Trust us, we know!

Hope you enjoy this convo and if you have ONE skill you’re trying to learn right now and going to put the 20-hour rule to the test, email us and let us know about it.

✈️ Our pramvel takes you through our second trip to one of our favorite places this year, Ballybunion, Ireland. We had a ton of fun staying in the modern beach house again in this tiny Irish town. Hope you enjoy our chat about it!


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