This week, we’re channeling our inner Ross Geller (PIVOT!) and talking about how to actually go about making a big shift in your business. Whether you’re trying to go from clients to digital products, digital products to physical goods, or any other pivot in between, we’re here to help.

There are two key factors that need to be taken into account when pivoting and that’s what we chat about… that… and Jean Claude Van Damme’s (JCVD) incredible ability to do the splits. Trust us, the reference will make sense! We hope! 😅😅

✈️ Our pramvel takes you through a short stop in Dublin where we had our latest flight of the year and someone REALLY needed some chicken finger/tenders. While in Dublin, Jason got a new face, and then we met up with part of his family for a week in Clarecastle. We stayed at an amazing place and did day trips to the Cliffs of Moher, Galway, Ennis, Doolin, and various other places in the northeast of Ireland.

🏰 Check out the renovated castle grounds we stayed at:

🍑 The JCVD splits commercial you should see: