It’s so easy to get swept up in all the sales tactics. The manipulative wording, the guilt-tripping, the urgency, the scarcity, and so many of those things happen without even realizing it because we’re following the advice of someone else. Our goal this week is to show you some options that can feel more congruent with who you are at your core.

When it comes to selling, we take a lot of pride in being as truthful as possible and only making promises we know we can keep. No false guarantees and no pie-in-the-sky dream selling around here (anymore).

For us, selling has become so much easier when we’ve created more real and honest connections with our audience. When we’ve leaned into building long-term trust and stopped chasing the short-term dollars. We hope you can walk away from this episode feeling empowered and like you can sell in a way that feels GOOD to you.

If you didn’t catch it last week, we’re officially in Ireland! We made the trek from Dublin to Kinsale and are absolutely loving this charming, nautical town.

Check out The Dockhouse Airbnb in Kinsale:

🎥 Watch our Lisbon Recap video: