We want to first acknowledge we know COVID-19 isn’t over. In some countries, cities, and states, cases are on the upswing and it’s scary.

As vaccines get a more widespread rollout there’s an underlying anxiety about returning to life as it was pre-March 2020. Going to restaurants, gathering with friends/family, etc etc. When will we all feel comfortable and will there ever be a moment of returning to normality?? (Spoiler alert: we don’t think so.)

In this week’s episode, we wanted to share how we’re feeling about the next coming months, the plans we’re making, and what our experience was like getting our first shot of the vaccine.

We don’t have many answers at all when it comes to COVID-19 but we hope this honest convo possibly helps you ease a few fears or questions you’ve been thinking about.

Epidemiologist we love on IG: https://www.instagram.com/jessicamalatyrivera/

Movies we discussed this week: Dante’s Peak and Entrapment


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