This week we cover story #71, Invasion of the Dinosaurs!  When dinosaurs start appearing in London, the city is evacuated.  The Doctor must find out where they're coming from and why in time to foil a sinister plot to rewrite time -- and root out the member of UNIT who's in on it!

QotW/Charlie's Variety Segment/Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" (David 8, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8.75)

Connor's Corner


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace
Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Infinite Longbox    The Comic Conspiracy
David    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian

Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #260, the 2015 Christmas special, The Husbands of River Song!  Please acquire a copy in a manner that won't get you on Santa's "naughty" list.

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