On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Flux: Chapter Six - The Vanquishers!

QotW: The Doctor Who universe is ending and you have the opportunity to rescue any five characters from throughout the show’s history and bring them with you to the next universe. Which five do you rescue?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

Flux: Chapter Six - The Vanquishers (Ratings: Charlie 6/7, Connor 7/7.5, David 7.75/7.9, Trevor 7.75/8.25)

Big Finish: Doctor Who - Paper Cuts (Ratings: Charlie 7, Connor 7, David 8, Trevor 7.5)


Trevor  Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Comic Conspiracy David http://www.davidsafar.com/    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian   Twitch DraconianProgeny Connor YouTube: The Deadly Emerald

Thanks for following our weekly coverage of series 13, Flux! With the new season ending, we’ll be returning to monthly episodes, typically airing on the first Thursday of the month, or the first Thursday after a new special airs! Join us next month for our discussion of the 2022 New Years special, Eve of the Daleks! We also plan to review the Doctor Who audio adventure Blue Forgotten Planet, available from Big Finish.

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