On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Diary of River Song Volume 3, featuring the 5th Doctor!

QotM: If River Song were to regenerate, who would you want to play her new incarnation?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 1: The Lady in the Lake (David 5, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 7.5)

Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 2: A Requiem for the Doctor (David 7.25, Trevor 7.25, Charlie 7.5)

Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 3: My Dinner With Andrew (David 7.75, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8)

Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 4: The Furies (David 7.75/7.25, Trevor 8/7.75, Charlie 7.75/7.75)


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Comic Conspiracy David http://www.davidsafar.com/    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian Connor YouTube: The Deadly Emerald

Join us next month for the August, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review Missy Series 2, IF it comes out early enough in July for us to listen by recording time. If not, we’ll return to reviewing the 8th Doctor stories from the monthly line. Check social media for updates. Either way, the audio adventures are available from BigFinish.com.

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