On this week's podcast, Eleven and his companions get mail and leave the universe in search of a lost Time Lord survivor -- but get more than they bargained for when they find out who really sent the message!

QotW: If you could ask the TARDIS to verbally answer any one question about anything in space and time, what would you ask?

So Here's the Thing.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

Discussion of "The Doctor's Wife" (Charlie 9, Connor 9, David 9, Trevor 9)

Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures, #55: The Twilight Kingdom (Charlie 7, David 8, Trevor 7.75)


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Comic Conspiracy David http://www.davidsafar.com/    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian Connor YouTube: The Deadly Emerald

Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #217, The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People! Our audio adventure will be The Monthly Adventures #61: Doctor Who: Faith Stealer, available from BigFinish.com.

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