This week we cover story #134, Planet of Fire!  Turlough's mysterious past is finally revealed on the volcanic world of Sarn, where the fifth Doctor encounters his old enemy the Master and must make a heartbreaking choice regarding his companion Kamelion.

QotW: Looking back over her tenure in the TARDIS, what was your favorite Tegan story?

Listener Mailbag/So Here's the Thing...

Discussion of "Planet of Fire" (David 8, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8.5)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish: THE WAR DOCTOR VOLUME 02: INFERNAL DEVICES 2.1 Legion of the Lost (David 8, Trevor 8, Charlie 8)


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Infinite Longbox    The Comic Conspiracy David    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian

Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #135, The Caves of Androzani! You can buy a digital copy on iTunes, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from,, the BBC Shop, or many other fine retailers. For our audio adventure, we’ll be continuing THE WAR DOCTOR VOLUME 02 boxed set, entitled INFERNAL DEVICES. We’ll cover the second adventure from the set, “A Thing of Guile”. If you’d like to follow along, it’s available from

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