Previous Episode: Episode 116: Castrovalva
Next Episode: Episode 118: Kinda

This week we cover story #117, Four to Doomsday!  Aboard an Urbankan space ship, the Doctor and his companions have just four days to stop the Urbankans from reaching Earth and taking over the world!

QotW: Power of the Daleks was recently animated. What Doctor Who story would you like to see animated next?

Charlie's Variety Segment/Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "Four to Doomsday" (Charlie 8.5, David 7.25, Trevor 8.5)

Big Finish Audio Adventure: UNIT -- Shutdown part 3: The Battle of the Tower (Charlie 8, David 8.25, Trevor 7.5)


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Infinite Longbox    The Comic Conspiracy David    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian

Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #118, Kinda! You can buy a digital copy on iTunes, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from the BBC Doctor Who Shop,,, or many other fine retailers.

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