This week we cover story #113, Warriors' Gate!  Seeking a way out of E-Space, the Doctor and Romana meet a race of time-sensitive cat people called Tharils who can travel between dimensions with the aid of a mysterious mirrors.  But before they can escape, they must unravel the secrets of the Tharils' past!

QotW: Warriors' Gate is K-9’s last serial as a series regular. What was your favorite K-9 moment?

Charlie's Variety Segment/Listener Mailbag/Class Announcement

Discussion of "Warriors' Gate" (Trevor 7.5, Charlie 6.5, David 8)

Big Finish Audio Adventure: Fourth Doctor Adventures 2.06. The Dalek Contract (No ratings -- this was part 1, tune in next week when we'll rate the story overall!)


Trevor  @WhovianTrev    Trevsplace Charlie  @insanityinchaos    The Infinite Longbox    The Comic Conspiracy David    @gwythinn    MaroonedWhovian

Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #114, The Keeper of Traken! The DVD is out of print and expensive on its own, but you can still get it as part of the New Beginnings boxed set, which can still be found on for a reasonable price. has it in their marketplace, as well, and you may be able to find copies at some other fine retailers.

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