Jason Burack of Wall st for Main St had on returning guest, hedge fund manager, author and newsletter writer of Addicted to Profits http://addictedtoprofits.net/, Dave Skarica. 

Dave's newest book out is, Collapse! How the Federal Reserve Created Another Stock Market Bubble And Why It Will Collapse. 

During this 50+ minute discussion, Jason asks Dave about his newest book, Collapse, and why the stock market hasn't collapsed yet? 

Dave talks about flight capital leaving other countries to come into the US and how central bankers are helping prop up asset markets. Dave doesn't think this is sustainable and that the US stock market is long overdue for a nasty and deep correction in the near future. 

After this massive correction or crash, Dave thinks the Federal Reserve instead of threatening to raise interest rates, will instead go for QE4 to try and manipulate interest rates lower using financial repression.

Dave thinks much more painful stagflation is in the future for the US and most of the rest of the world once the US Federal Reserve reverses course. 

Next, Jason asks Dave if it's become increasingly more difficult to be a contrarian investor and a value investor with the Federal Reserve and other Keynesian central banks all around the globe trying to boost asset prices with QE, Wealth Effect, etc. 

Dave thinks it's a lot harder to be a contrarian now and Jason and Dave discuss the investing philosophy and methodology of one of the world's most famous investors, Sir John Templeton. 

Jason and Dave also have a long discussion about financial engineering and how it's become pervasive both in corporate America and also by governments and their central banks. 

Next, Dave talks about the markets he is current buying and where he sees value. Jason and Dave discuss oil, coal and the precious metals during the rest of this interview.