Twitter and the sport of Cycling are and would make great classroom tools! The idea started with a tweet I sent out last week about benefits of the sport of Cycling in the classroom. Then, this morning, I found a great article that went even further, including twitter as a learning tool. Pro-cycling fans have been eagerly anticipating this week! How do I know? The UCI Schedule is in cyberspace for 2010 races and everyone is tweeting about it. Are you wondering yet 'What does this have to do with Education?'I hope you are. I want to make you think. We live in a world very different than the one I grew up in. I am sure that is true of many of you, no matter your age. Knowledge is growing exponentially and the educational system is trying to keep up. One of the problems I see is traditional ways of learning can't encompass all the different areas where subjects and knowledge are on the cutting edge. If we truly want to teach and train our children, more 'hands on' needs to be applied. Students need traditional knowledge lessons, yes. They also need to learn how to think on their feet to reason out problems; mathematical, social, technological, etc.
Special Thanks to Pete Geyer for permission to use one of his great photos here!
USA Cycling
UCI Announces 2010 Pro Tour Race Calendar by Bike World NewsHow Teachers Are Using Twitter in the Classroom10 Twitter Tools for Your Classroom