Alec has tweeted a teaser for the balance changes coming next week! and I play Reqvam's Rank 1 Legend OTK Questline Demon Hunter. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links. 

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# 2x (1) Double Jump
# 2x (1) Felosophy
# 2x (1) Felscream Blast
# 1x (1) Final Showdown
# 2x (1) Illidari Studies
# 2x (1) Sigil of Alacrity
# 2x (1) Tuskpiercer
# 2x (2) Immolation Aura
# 2x (2) Mo'arg Artificer
# 2x (2) Spectral Sight
# 2x (3) Acrobatics
# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper
# 2x (4) Glide
# 2x (4) Guild Trader
# 1x (4) Persistent Peddler
# 1x (6) Il'gynoth
# 2x (7) Irebound Brute

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